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  • Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences
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Lise Vesterlund’s ‘The No Club’ was named one of 2022’s best business books by The Times UK

Vesterlund in a black blazer

51ƷƵ economist and author Lise Vesterlund’s latest book, “,” was listed by  as a top 12 business book for 2022.

The book was a collaborative effort between Vesterlund, who is the Andrew W. Mellon professor of economics, and her friends, Carnegie Mellon University professors Linda Babcock, Brenda Peyser and Laurie Weingart. Together they formed the “No Club” after feeling overburdened at work by task lists and requests that fell outside the scope of their day jobs.  

The four sought to reclaim control in their professional lives, better understand gender equality in the workforce and determine if their experiences were isolated. Upon finding minimal data on the topic, they conducted their own research within the (PEEL).

In addition to teaching, Vesterlund is director of PEEL and the  and is a research associate with the National Bureau of Economic Research.